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Thanks for submitting!


This store is an extension of my hobby and I am in no way attempting to operate a fully operational store with large amounts of inventory. This site is intended to help you and I make contact in a more personal way. Through this site, I will continue to provide people with help, answer questions, offer parts for builds such as the Mobigital 7 and other builds that I will sale. Builds that were undertaken just for fun!


I already have a large fleet but do not want to stop building as that is half of the enjoyment for me. Now I can offer them here as well as printing services, advice and simple conversations. Please keep all of that in mind when you visit my page and see little to no inventory. Its just a hobby for me and as I have stuff, I will add into inventory. Once its gone, its gone until I build another, so remember to check back often. 


Thank you,


DaxtasyFPV 5" Sonicare Quad
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